Why You Need a Website as a Freelance Copywriter in a Digital Economy:


In a world. Where businesses are no longer defined and limited by geographical location and borders. A website is a necessity, not a luxury. Especially as a freelance copywriter. The more personal it is, the better. Personal branding and self-promotion are more effective and enticing with a brand voice and tone. A website is a solid outlet for personality expression in your creative venture as a copywriter. In the copywriting industry, it can be a powerful networking tool. That can afford you an opportunity to connect with the outside world on a global scale. 

A website is the most valuable and viable way of branding yourself. In the copywriting industry, it is necessary. In freelancing, a website gives room for flexibility and remote working. It will ensure the virtual management of your projects and the possibility of doing your work 100% remotely. In the middle of nowhere where you do not know anyone. Except for your services as long as there is connectivity on the internet. 
So, as a freelance copywriter, a website is a helpful tool. That will symbolize your professional identity. And presence in any part of the world you might fancy working. So, let's explore. 

What a website is

The type of website you need as a freelancer

The main parts of a website

The main features of a website

The purpose of blogging on your website

The benefits of a website in copywriting

What is a website?

A website is a set of related web pages located under a single domain name produced by a single person or organization. This definition equips you with confidence of being the master of your destiny on your website.  Websites can be created and maintained by an individual, group, business, organization to serve a variety of purposes. 

Technically, it is a collection of publicly accessible, interlinked web pages that share a single domain name.

 That will help you when you start working on your website to ensure internal and external links. And how you can do it in promoting yourself as a copywriter. But with so many definitions, since the expansion of the World Wide Web. Some can be misleading. It is continuously evolving and expanding with so many types of websites. That can be challenging.

Therefore, simply defining the website as a presence on the World Wide Web” would definitely help you. In mapping your way forward in understanding what a website is. Why you need a website, And what type of website you need as a freelance copywriter. Let’s dig in and explore what type of website you need.

The type of website you need as a freelance Copywriter.

There are so many types of websites; so many, that it can be overwhelming to decide which design is a good fit for you. Many have popped up as the World Wide Web expands and evolves. Different formats, and templates are continuously designed with different parts, and sections to suit the competitive digital marketplace. Therefore, if not well informed it can be difficult to decide which type of web design is a good fit for yourself.  The bottom line, however, is your purpose, and needs. Combining different categories of websites to suit your needs will also enhance its function. Also practical in a sense that, your website would be easy to navigate, and user-friendly to fulfill your purpose, and needs especially as a freelance copywriter. Therefore, your main requirements could be a combination of a portfolio website for showcasing your skills, personal and personality website for intimate connection with your audience, and a mixture of  business webpage for services promotion, and a blog for showcasing yourself as a brand in the copywriting industry.

The Main Parts of a Website

The basic anatomy, and terms of a website can be jargon, and at times confusing. However, here are the essential parts of a website to get a big picture of the design, and function of a website. These are the Header/ Banner, the Navigation bar, the Side bar, the Web content, which is the web copy or body copy, and the Footer. These parts or pages of a website can be accessed by visiting the Home page of your website using a browser.  
Yet, parts, features, and pages of a website are confusing. As parts and functions are also always confusing. But the starting point is to have a clear picture of the different features and functions of a website. That will help in appreciating its main features. And how they function. Let’s dig in and explore the main features of a website. That will help engage users to navigate your website and learn more about you and your services. And your venture will also help you understand your client’s needs in web content. 

 The Main Features of a Website

The effectiveness of any website starts with its simplicity in design and navigation features. Knowing the general structure would help give you confidence when interviewing your clients. On their needs on their websites. There is the URL, which is the web address of your site, and how people can locate you on the World Wide Web. The Featured Image (Hero Image) is below the navigation bar. Or main menu that houses and links to the tabs of what is on your website. It is the main section with a description of who you are. And why you are here or there. It can carry your what your business does n an enticing way that can make people scroll down for more on your website. The search box assists visitors in finding the content they are looking for on your website. 


The Call-To-Actions (CTAs) are the basics of web content features. That suction conversion to making a sale and submitting a contact form. Also, to subscribe to a newsletter, donate or join. These ensure your visitors take the appropriate action on your website and need to nudge them to do so. No aggression, be holistic and humane. 
The Contact page is where you can add details of your business. That is the name, address, and contact number in the footer of your website. The other technical aspect of the design of your website is the Responsive design or a Mobile-friendly design. You must make sure your website’s design affords top-notch customer service to both your mobile and desktop visitors. It is also helpful for search engine optimization. Great for ranking on Google searches and for your website to display on smaller screens. 
The Biography section, About Us page, is where your visitors can get connected to you. People crave a personal touch in a world of automation. So, credentials with a humane face will quench that desire, strengthen trust and credibility with your clients. Professional value in monetary terms becomes more meaningful with long-term business relationships. 
Clients do not just want to know what you do, but also your face. Then there is the blog which can be a website where you publish content like a diary. It must always have some fresh quality content. It is the part of your website where you showcase your personality, style, and skills in the copywriting industry.   
The whole game of marketing yourself and your services is what this blog posts highlights. There is a commenting system for engaging with your readers. The security and spam protection feature to block spam and moderate comments. By turning on the comment moderation button. Must also have social media integration icons. To link your social media platforms. For posting one post to all your social media accounts. As a freelance copywriter, social media is essential. And you cannot do without it, especially in Digital marketing. 

The Benefits of a Website in Copywriting

Thanks for the internet. The boring times of using flyers and posters to market your services or products are gone. It is then limited to a few who have chosen to blend the old and the new ways of self-promotion and branding.  One of the best ways you can change the traditional mindset of your clients. In sales and marketing is by embracing technology, especially the internet. By having a website, you can educate your clients to appreciate the importance and significance of a website by using one yourself.  
You have to optimize its function, especially as a copywriter in the Digital Marketing World. Knowing its functional features as a copywriter is influential in your industry. A website is where the magic of content writing happens. And you are bound to hone some experience in creating content and managing it on your website, the way I am doing here. 

·       Knowing its parts and optimizing its features will give you a competitive advantage in your industry for understanding your clients’ needs in web content. And how best you can fulfill their requirements in the projects.

·       Getting connected to your clients and customers through establishing a digital presence on your website is helpful for consolidation in business relationships. Especially as a freelancer in the copywriting industry.

·       There is nothing as compelling as getting live on video or audio embedded on your website in front of your ideal target audience.

·       A website is a store in front of everything you are up to in your business venture. It is the navigation map for your prospects to be clear with your vision and mission.

·       It enhances your online presence. And your authority and influence in the digital economy. Especially in the digital marketing world.

I can say, creating a website helps you establish a name for your brand. It makes it easier for your services as a copywriter to claim a global presence in the present-day digital global market. Above all, content marketing is the queen. In digital marketing, effective content marketing depends much on the proper structuring of the content, the presentation, and the layout, of the website. Equipping yourself with that and your skills in using well-crafted words that evoke people’s emotions is essential for taking expected action on your own CTAs on your website. It would be like learning to dig a goldmine for conversions by closing sales for you and your clients. 

The purpose of blogging on your website

Blogging is reshaping the global business sector. It allows you to share your high-value free content that can entice your readers to believe in your skills for their websites. Many businesses and startups have a website. But do not understand its function. So they would need someone like you. Who can persuade and convince them on how to use a website for building their brand and boosting brand awareness. 

What is a blog?

A blog is a type of a website. A website is what houses a blog. It can also be a standalone website on its right of being a webpage, originally weblog.
That is where all the magic of Content Marketing happens. Digital Marketing has gained traction in the Digital Economy. So, Content marketing revolves around a blog using digital devices, digital media, digital platforms, and digital data. So, you need a well-designed, responsive website. That will help in optimizing all the technology matrices. All these devices and platforms will ease the efficient interaction of your brand. And connect with your target audience through blogging and providing them with valuable content that can establish you as an expert and authority in your industry. 

Benefits of blogging

As Digital Marketing is taking the whole Global market by storm with many businesses adopting the new wave of content marketing, your online presence as a copywriter is essential in building your brand. An active blog with well-written and managed web content that is of value to your clients will enhance your online presence.

·       That will help in showcasing your skills and prowess in copywriting.

·       One writer supported that perspective with this funny notion that every writer should have a bookstall to display their writings. Likewise, a copywriter must have a blog to showcase web content writing skills.

·       Technology can be intimidating and confusing, especially in business operations and marketing strategies. But exposing yourself to the basic technicalities of managing a blog like this will ensure confidence in dealing with your clients' content marketing and blogging needs.

·       Your blog needs to be something that can be inspirational and influential, especially web content or web copies like text, images, video, audio, and all elements used to communicate for lead generation and conversion.

·       It will help you get disciplined in gleaning and grazing over content for focus and patience in carving the right messages for any purpose in your projects.

·       Learning self-promotion using well-crafted language that you do not undersell yourself and compromise your credibility on your website or blog will boost your confidence in the freelance writing world.

·       Blogging on your website will help in strengthen long-term relationships with your already established clientele.

But, having a website is not a picnic for everyone. It needs time and dedication to create and write the content of value people might find worth reading and close deals with you. So, that is why you need inspiration and encouragement to have one where you can learn to keep a website active, up to date, and warm to your readers. That would make you comfortable and confident with any web insights for better business interaction. And business strategies for both yourself and your clients. That will put you in a better position to see how best you can help your clients to make informed decisions. Of what they need and don’t need on their personal or business websites. 

I hope you find this helpful and inspiring. As a joyful copywriter, freelancer, and solopreneur in the Digital Marketing World.  


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