Do Festive Season Price Slashes Boost Brand Equity?

Do Festive Price Slashes boost brand equity for sustainability in brand building? You surely don’t like to create and build a brand that will die a slow and natural death due to short-term instant gratification profits. Do you? Anyway, the underlying principle to go about it and keep yourself on brand is to strive to make your products and services memorable, recognizable, superior in quality, and reliable to stand out in the market. That will boost brand equity for sustainability in brand building. You can never rely on price slashes for brand building. It is not a long-term marketing strategy but a short-term one for instant results that compromises focus on maintaining brand value and stability to your customers. Here are the more human aspects that can keep yourself on brand for sustainable brand building without relying too much on price slashes. Brand Equity Brand equity is the value of your brand based on brand awareness, brand image, perceived value, brand values, a...