Mastering the Purpose & Value Based Brand Marketing Strategy for Solid Brand Building
Why are you marketing what you are selling? And of what value is it to your target market and persona? Those are the marketing questions you should start with in your brand marketing strategies for solid brand building. If you can’t answer it by looking at the purpose and value of your offers in your industry and niche, it is time to go back to the drawing board and figure out your business purpose and value in the market. That will guide you in building a brand, not just a business. Businesses sell, and brands market to help their customers and users. So, with the creator month fast ending and marking the end of the year, looking back at your brand marketing efforts would help prepare you for next year as you continue your exciting brand-building journey. The biggest challenge as a creator in a volatile economy is remaining focused on your breakthrough entrepreneurial idea and how to build it into a brand of influence and impact online. Remember, brand marketing strategies should