Five [5] Long-Form Content Creation & Writing Key Elements for Optimizing Your Business Website:


Optimizing your website for effective marketing does not need rocket science. But well-defined content marketing strategies to make it fulfill its commercial value and intent in marketing your brand 24/7 for global attention, influence, and boosting sales and revenue.

Here are the content marketing strategies that call for more adventure in the marketing industry to tighten your positioning belts in the marketplace. And inspire you, your clients, employees, and your brand influence to remain viable and sustainable.

1.     Clear brand purpose and value

2.     Writing long-form articles.

3.     Proper formatting of your content.

4.     Consistency

5.     Quality over quantity

Content Marketing goes a long way in today’s virtual economy. It is taking center stage that a single engaging social media post or blog post can generate free organic traffic and boost sales leads and revenue in your business. Best if you are planning to create not just a business but a solid brand from an optimized site through blogging. 

That will enable your clients and prospects to use it as a source and resource for knowledge and information of value in their lives. The bottom line is taking a unique angle in presenting and positioning your business. Whether marketing yourself as a brand or business and your products or services, this is how best it can be optimized and boosted.

1. Business purpose and value

Clear purpose and the value proposition statement are the axes of a solid brand story. Your purpose will clarify the value of what you are doing in your business. Customers and clients need clarity on your why and its benefit to their life. A strong narrative based on a clear purpose and value would not be just a cheat sheet of what you want your clients to believe about your brand. But an emotional connection with them and their needs and pain points. How does your business improve their lives and the society they exist? That sounds like an old story, but its significance in content marketing can never be underrated. Here is how you can clarify your purpose and value;

·       What is your business?

That looks at what you do in your business activities. Like, in my case, I might say content marketing through content creation and writing for personal and business blogs.

·       What problem does your business solve?

That refers to the pain points and challenges your target audience has. As in my case, I know most freelancers, solopreneurs, and large, medium, and small-sized businesses need the inspiration to appreciate blog marketing as an effective content marketing tool.

·       What is the intention of your business?

Here is your long-term vision. Like, in my case, I can say to see blog marketing being recognized and accepted as a powerful tool for building strong brands. And making my clients and prospects see it as an asset where they can invest part of their advertising budget with no second-guessing of whether it works. For it works and it is a good investment.

·       How are you going to execute?

Here are your strategies for fulfilling your promises to your clients and prospects. In my service, it is establishing rapport with my clients by giving them a questionnaire data collection instrument to have a big picture of their content marketing needs. Specifically, their blogging needs by dissecting through categories that spell out their mission, vision, purpose, and value in the market. They agree on topics and the frequencies and promotions. That’s it in blog marketing.

·       How is it going to make an impact in the world?

Here, you look at what is your drive in your industry and the world. That thing that makes you have the passion and drive to do what you are doing. In my case, I can say it is my passion and desire to see freelancers, solopreneurs, and businesses creating brandable businesses through blog marketing for longevity and global influence.

All in all, the purpose is the guiding intention of your business. It is the compass that directs and motivates you to bring value and realize the core value of your business. Now let’s dive deep into how you can use this as a formula for your content creation, especially the long-form - blogging. That I believe has long-term organic effects in boosting lead generation.

2. Long-Form Content Creation and Writing

Long-form content has long-term commercial value for your business. You know, search engines like long-form content. That allows crawlers to search for answers for googlers seeking solutions to their problems? It also helps with SEO, authority, influence, and monetization through AdSense. And for Affiliate marketing and other monetization opportunities as online business models.

That anyone interested in creating written content can get into it through blogging as a long-term investment and an asset to your website. That is why long-form content creation and writing are needed and fast becoming in high demand as a marketing strategy. Without long-form content creation and writing, blog marketing becomes practically impossible.

However, here you need to be careful not to forget that you must write for your target audience, not writing for SEO crawlers. Here relevance and empathy are keys to avoid losing focus with your audience. The bottom line is to claim your position and angle in the industry you serve. Have unshakable confidence in contributing to the wealth of ideas, opinions, and trends from your own experiences in the industry. Create content that informs and engages your target audience.

3. Proper Formatting of Your Content.

Content Marketing can be in different formats. You can post on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tik-Tok, or LinkedIn. In this blog post, I will focus on long-text form content. The most appropriate recommended length for value, worthiness on the internet, and Search engine optimization are about 500 words to 2 500 words. From my experience of writing blogs, the most comfortable standard length for blog content creators is 750 words – 1 250 words, or 1 500 – 2 500 words.

 Here is how best you can present it creatively and enticingly to keep your audience's juices flowing with interest and engaged as long as it is timeless, evergreen, and meaningful to help them. You will be on your way to creating not just a website but a powerful online marketing tool and an asset to your business.


It is the Heading of your blog post. That must be clear and captivating to the reader. It should reflect the subject matter in line with the whole text of your blog post that must be readable, SEO optimized, and sentimental.

Technically on SEO optimization, your title must be presented as a heading in Word Doc or Google Doc formatting style. Then let’s look at the Sub-headings.


 The subheadings should be in line with the main title, which is the heading of your blog article. Also, should be optimized for SEO.


These are basically for making your content presentation and ideas scannable and easy to skim through. I have come to like this way of presenting ideas. The world has become busy with hustles. So, this helps readers who are always rushing to have the gist of what your content is all about.

4.    Consistency

Consistency is the key to achieving results in any marketing effort of your business. So, stick to the purpose and value of your business. That is achievable if guided by the mission statement in your content creation and writing. You need to be consistent in the voice and tone of your brand. Be consistent in the style and language you use in your text. You must match your headlines, taglines, tags, and images with the purpose and value statement your content revolves around.

5.    Quality over quantity

When it comes to quality content, readability, SEO, and sentimentality are the key. Your content must be readable, searchable, and appealing to your reader’s sense of value in their lives.


This is determined by readability standard score according to the Flesch Reading Score as from this source; and presented below;




Readability Level /Grade Level


Description Notes

100 - 90

5th Grade

Very easy to read

90 - 80

6th Grade

Easy to read

80 - 70

7th Grade

Fairly easy to read

70 - 60

8th & 9th Grade

Plain English-Easy for 13 – 15-year-olds

60 - 50

10th & 12th Grade

Fairly difficult to read

50 - 30

College Students

Difficult to read

30 -10

College Graduates

Very difficult to read

10 - 0


Extremely difficult to read

So, a text with a high reading score as above is easy to read with short sentences from my experience of the Hemmingway app that recommends short sentences. And a text with a low reading score is complex to read with long sentences. Therefore, a reading score of 70 – 60 is considered standard and acceptable for targeting your readers and for creating and writing texts that are SEO optimized.

The drive is to make anyone on the internet be able to read your content and understand what you do. That will also assist in high response to search engines when locating relevant content that answers people’s problems. Sentimental value is achievable through strong emotional words you use that appeal to your readers’ attention and emotions.


You should optimize your website with long-form content with organic keywords. That is, blogging for enabling your information to be indexed for global reach. Therefore, write about what people are looking for in alignment with your industry and niche. Use appropriate keywords without losing sight of what your readers would enjoy reading. Your content must be of high quality and value to your target audience. That is the bottom line for a positive effect on search engines.

Sentimental value:

People commonly click on titles that have strong words that humanize your business and appeal to the sense of being loyal, confident, and trustworthy. Remember, it is creating and writing content for your clients and prospects, not for search engine crawlers. So, write headings, subheadings, and mini headings that appeal to your reader’s attention. Your images in the blog posts must be appealing to the visual aesthetics and relevant to the message for optimum benefit for your clients and prospects and SEO optimization of your business website.


So, there we are, long-form content, through blogging is a winning formula for authority and influence of your brand and longevity in the business industry. Brands don’t die, but businesses can get broke without branding through blogging. What do you think about Blog Marketing? Indicate in the comments section below.

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