Lifestyle Habits That Boost Productivity as a Freelancer:


Have you ever realized that monitoring yourself as a freelancer for high productivity is the top priority in upping your game in the industry? Especially with the freedom, you have of working from home alone. You have to create a lifestyle that allows you to maintain a sense of responsibility and high productivity for scaling. And establish a more productive lifestyle that can boost your confidence in exploring and executing all projects that will allow you to grow and develop in your industry.

As a freelancer or solopreneur, this means avoiding remaining sluggish at home and burying yourself in projects in your pajamas. You have to know how you define and perceive your role as a freelancer and how best you manage yourself to avoid any stresses of working solely on your own and being home-bound in most of your work. Here are some Lifestyle Habits that help boost productivity as a freelancer and solopreneur.

Bathing & Grooming

There is a time when you wake up and feel you do not need to bother yourself with bathing since you are not going anywhere. That is a sluggish lifestyle that won’t make you feel energized for the day ahead in what you need to accomplish. So, the best way to go about it is to wake up and make yourself ready for work. One way to put yourself in that mood of working is bathing and grooming like you are getting ready for an office job as usual. Here are some accessories I recommend that can help your bathing refreshing and put you in the mood for the day in a simple and minimalistic way.

Facial wash


The facial wash makes you wake up to the realities of the day ahead. So, use any facial wash of your choice. Mine has always been Ponds. Cheap and affordable with minimalist health ingredients. That is a minimalist way of making sure your face is clean. And well looked after to limit the effects of stresses of working alone indoors. It is like ensuring consciousness of who you are and the value you find in yourself. And what you are putting out in the world. Your face is a mirror of your dreams. So let it glow and reflect the inspiration you have for changing the world through your services and products. You cannot claim to help clients with a face that hardly reflects how you care about yourself and your looks. However, it is not about beauty, but brains in how you look after yourself, starting with your face.

Bath Wash/Cream/Jell


Your whole body needs that pampering that comes with Bath washes. The more foaming it is, the better way it makes you feel clean and invigorated from that lazy slumber of a busy day alone at home. Body washes make it easy to start your day in a shower or a deep bath. And if you resort to one brand for a long time, you can always feel missing it daily. It would be like an assistant to help you put your mind in the right gear for a brighter perspective of having a productive and enjoyable day. Most men prefer shower jells that always come in different deep Mediterranean scents that can make you feel excited to start the day smelling fresh and clean. You know a freshly bathed body is an engine to dream of better days. Remember, you don’t need to splash yourself with any perfume or deodorant working indoors. Bath washes and jells always come in hand to cover you up at home.

Dress Style

That is the most inspiring part of this blog. Though freelancing gives a lot of freedom and flexibility than traditional corporate employment, still code of dressing should be observed even when you are alone at home, even more so when you go out to meet with clients or for networking occasions. Working in pajamas is a hot topic in freelancing, especially in the freelance writing industry as a copywriter and how productive being at home is. One freelance copywriter once asked how he defines copywriters. His definitions pointed at nothing but copywriters’ casual style taste in fashion and presentation, 

Though casual most of the time. It still should always be smart- business style. And minimalism should be the guiding principle. That allows for being free-spirited, with some deep sense of responsibility.  First impressions count when it comes to meeting clients both online and offline. Some clients are interested in knowing what kind of person you are. Even when it is a remote job, your virtual appearance should reflect professionalism. Most people believe that you must dress like your target client. The best way is to dress like yourself with confidence, to portray your best self. It will be “take me or leave me, for what you see is what you get – I am who I am, as I am” That is confidence at its best practice and display.

Healthy Eating

Your health is your wealth. A well-balanced diet and healthy eating habits  will ensure you are healthy in all aspects of health like, physical, mental, emotional, and psychological. A sluggish diet would result in a slobby body and produce sloppy work. As a freelancer, that is not an inspiring way of managing your lifestyle. So, resort to a healthy diet and adopt and practice  health living and eating. When you are healthy, you will have the stamina to overcome any stresses of being a solopreneur or freelancer.  It is common for freelancers to put too much pressure on themselves with constant breaks for refreshment with a hot cup of tea or coffee and drown in tanks of strong coffee. That is not healthy and will compromise your mental health and emotional control. Most people who resort to strong cups of caffeinated drinks are prone to irritability and sensitivity to stresses that come with being a freelancer and solopreneur. So, learn to be practical in your diet to boost your general health. And to remain on top of all situations in executing assigned projects in your venture.

Time Management

Self-management is the game in freelancing and solopreneurship. Getting overwhelmed due to too much work should be avoided. Meeting deadlines way before the due date is what you need to practice for stress-free time management. Make sure you have a personal schedule or timetable that guides you daily. It always helps to wake up to an organized and well-planned day. Time management means prioritizing, strategic thinking, problem-solving, and meeting deadlines. From my experience in managing my sites, I realized that not being quite sure of what you are doing can be time-consuming, stressful, and overwhelming. So, I feel being competent and confident in what you are doing helps in the efficient use of time.


Exercising will keep you grounded on your schedule as it can be a way of training yourself to be conscious of how best you can put it into practice to remain strong, active, and sleep well. It will improve your energy, mood, sleep, for alertness in finishing projects in time and on time.  It also helps in anxiety, and stress is an enemy to your success as a freelancer. There are many benefits to exercising. Here are the ones that boost productivity;

·       Brainpower boosting – For a critical analysis of your projects and coming out with relevant solutions for your clients.

·       Self -Esteem boosting – Confidence in handling any project that demands believing in what you are capable of doing.

·       Creativity boosting -For coming out with creative solutions that will stand out from anyone in the industry. 

·       Anxiety Management – To avoid getting overwhelmed in your work, especially at peak times or when assignments come with limited turnaround time.

·       Stress Relief – With deadlines and targets to fulfill, you are bound to as a freelancer exercising will make you highly resilient to any depressing and stressful situation.

 There we go, lifestyle habits that will boost productivity. The most takeaway is your health is your wealth. High productivity builds wealth, and you cannot create wealth without being productive. So, keep yourself healthy and well-nourished through proper grooming, daily self-care, eating healthily, self-managing, and exercising to maintain high productivity as a freelancer and solopreneur.


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