How To Focus on Value Creation and Addition in a Creator Economy

Value creation and addition are taking the entrepreneurial business landscape by storm. Especially in the agricultural sector in developing countries, with technology at the fore front of most of these agricultural projects. The inspiring element of most of these farming and tech entrepreneurs is their long-term approach with a human perspective of creating value for themselves, their employees, their communities, their nations, and the world around them.

Value Creation and Addition as Entrepreneurial Guidelines

Such ventures also create job opportunities as they expand from solopreneurship or home-based hustles into solid startup companies with an entrepreneurship mindset of being creative and innovative for solid brand building in the creator economy. So, besides being a strategy for enhancing and fulfilling the purpose and value of your business venture in the market, value creation and addition are fast becoming guidelines for pursuing and fulfilling entrepreneurial dreams for solid brand building.

Its focus is to bring back sanity and order in the business landscape and encourage people to be creative, innovative, holistic, and humane as creators in the new global digital economy. The dream of every progressive-minded entrepreneur should revolve around value creation and addition. It is the practical and functional translation of creativity and innovation for a human-centric approach to entrepreneurship.

Value Creation Before Money

Remember, the traditional business mindset is built on copying and replicating what others have already done and performing well in the economy. The main focus was to make money, not value creation and addition to creative and innovative entrepreneurial ventures. That is why the market floods with duplicates and uniformity in the branding and marketing strategies with no creativity and innovation for creating value or adding value to originals or duplicates one might consider using in their business venture in the market.

That way, the businesses become too competitive and short-lived and never develop into brands. The branding and marketing strategies are always not quite exciting and lack unique contextual relevance to the purpose and value of the business venture. So, how best can you rethink value creation and addition in your entrepreneurial business venture for solid brand building?

Here is the how and the what. The starting point is cultivating a creator mindset based on an entrepreneurial business approach for solid brand building that promotes creativity and innovation in value creation and addition in all your business operations and processes. Let’s dive deep and explore how this can be pursued and fulfilled.


The world has become your oyster for exploring raw opportunities in uncharted territories like Africa based on your passions, talents, skills, knowledge, and experience. So, there is no need to copy and duplicate what other people have done and are doing in the market. Exploring what others are doing is inspirational and motivating in realizing gaps in the market. But it should not be for copying and duplicating.  

There is hardly a new idea in the market that has never been tried and tested. So, exploring these ventures with an open mind would expose you to better ways to do it with creativity and innovation in alignment with your value creation strategies, goals, and objectives. The main factors that come into play at this stage are looking at the quality and commercial value of the products or services. And how they compare with what is already in the market.

So, exploration of locations, products, services, and business ideas or concepts already practiced in the market is the starting point for getting motivated to provide better value and benefit in your industry and niche market. That way, promoting the concept of value creation and addition for making inroads into new global markets for solid brand building and longevity in the market.


Knowing what others are doing and diagnosing their strengths and weaknesses will help open your mind to more helpful ways to do stuff in more creative and innovative ways that perhaps make the world a better place to live, learn, work, and do business holistically and humanely. Here, it is not assessing for total disruption but for making the business concept, product, or service more practical, functional, human, and customer-centric.

Changes in your market should never go unnoticed. Use them to tap deep into what you can offer better based on your interests, talent, skills, and passions. You can be guided in these by the feedback you get from reviewing where products and services in your industry are lacking and how best to add value to the already existing stuff in the market. However, reviewing here is not just for surface reviews but for critical analysis, examination, and evaluation of what is happening in the market.

Be open-minded enough to see the good and bad of what is happening. That will equip you with other possibilities to provide better solutions, especially in the diversified global society where technology and the internet have narrowed business operation boundaries. The sky is the limit for value creation and addition in most sectors of the digital global economy.

Think Different

That is Steve Jobs' creative and innovative mindset. That has made his Apple brand an icon of creativity and innovation in the tech industry. It is a powerful slogan of his brand that some people overlook and have never tried to pause and make some sense out of it and put it into practice in the rotting business landscape. That is why the value creation and addition have become an intrinsic motivation in being creative, innovative, and thinking differently for your ideas to become a reality in the saturated market.

It is when you are tired of being in a frustrating economy. And you yearn for something new and exciting. The Think Different concept would motivate you to start something radical to pursue. And inspire you to explore new exciting opportunities you find appealing in any industry and aligned with your capabilities in new markets.

I feel Steve Jobs had also gotten tired of people replicating other entrepreneurs' successful inventions, products, or services. His Think Different concept is fast becoming a solid principle in value addition. Think Differently brings brilliance in pursuing new findings and excellence in value creation and addition.

That is more pronounced in the agricultural and manufacturing industries, where more confidence to make things happen is needed, especially in developing economies. In developed economies where the economy is messed up already with the AI gold rush mentality, the value creation mindset should sink deep. That will help in thinking differently from the get-rich-quick billionaire mindset that has become like a song on the internet. Think Different is a long-term and strategic approach for value creation and addition in the market.


That reminds me of all the latest AI tests and experiments going on since the Open AI ChatGPT invention and all its subsequent competitors rushing to experiment with this AI tech invention in the mood of the FOMO mindset. Most of them, including the ChatGPT 3 as the pioneer of AI generative capabilities, failed to perform as expected by most users, who complained about its hallucinatory tendencies to prompts and limitations in contextual accuracy. 

That observation alone neutralized Open AI's influence in the market. And it is still battling to pick up its credibility in value creation in the market. You can follow their story threads with its CEO, Sam Altman, always presented in the tech media news as always experimenting with new versions that are better and more powerful. 

You have also experienced the Gemini and other AI generative tools and their unreliability in image generations. So, as a creator, especially in the tech industry, it is always helpful in the long run to comprehensively test and experiment with your invention or program to see whether it works as expected and efficiently enough to bring into the market for user consumption.

In the brand-building mindset, it is not wise and recommended to fall into the greedy trap of making millions out of a short-lived app or tool that will compromise stability for solid brand building in the business landscape. Here, it is not your stability as a creator but your users and consumers. So, experimenting will validate and consolidate your value creation and addition for boosting credibility and influence in that market. That will help for sustainability and success in the digital economy.


Implementation is as good as execution and leads to seeing how viable and valuable your business concept, product, and service is in the market. And how functional and user-friendly they are in the real world.  You should avoid losing track of the big picture of your vision and mission in the context of the purpose and value of your entrepreneurial venture. Have a clear strategy for implementation guided by your goals and objectives and aligned with your vision and mission in the context of the purpose and value of your business venture. 

That is the most exciting stage where you put every stage and step together and pray everything will be well received and accepted in torrents in the market. Most entrepreneurs believe in prayer and faith rooted in hard work at creating value and adding value in life and business. So, implementation comes after experimentation and assessment of whether your business concept, product, or service will bring solutions to the identified problem or gap in the market.

Therefore, implementation is to seamlessly streamline all the business aspects of your venture for effective execution of tasks and processes for solid brand building. So, it needs thorough sifting of feedback from experimentations. That reduces errors and optimizes focus on driving business growth and scaling. All that should start with exploring, reviewing, thinking differently, and experimenting for implementation in your entrepreneurial projects for value creation and addition in the creator economy.


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