How Product & Service Knowledge Boosts Brand Building:


In my last blog post, I explored how Blog marketing helps bring order to a chaotic marketing strategy through a blog that seamlessly connects and communicates all your brand marketing and building efforts on one platform. That is on your business website. However, blog marketing won’t work if your business operates at zero tillage of product or service knowledge and information. So, it is a matter of challenging yourself as a marketer, solopreneur, freelancer, startup, and business owner to be knowledgeable and informative of the products and services you offer and be clear about their benefits and value in your industry and niche market. And the rest will follow.

Why Product & Service Knowledge?

Where there is a will, there is a way. If you know what you are marketing, you are bound to have a deep passion for the product or the service and how it benefits your clients and develop the drive and boldness to step into the industry and niche market without fear. That will enable you to identify and clarify the problems in that industry and niche market where your products and services would serve and reign. And will inspire and empower you to create and modify products or services to suit the problems and pain points in the industry for the benefit of your clients and prospects in your niche. That will give you the power and drive to market your brand with conviction and dedication to positively impact your target audience in the market. Remember, the present creative economy is mainly digital outreach on the global market, so having a deep knowledge of your products or services will reduce the fear of intrusion and imposter syndrome each time you put yourself out in the global market. You can never feel developing cold feet dipping into your ‘fishing’ industry and niche. 

That will enable carving inroads for your brand building through blog marketing based on the knowledge and information of your brand products or services in that market. You will fill the knowledge and information gaps about the products or services in your industry and niche through comprehensive blogging. And that way enables the solid brand building of a lifetime where your products or services can rule as solutions and benefit the industry and niche. So, let’s dig deeper and see what aspects and principles of any product or service you should master that will harness the creative power to be a successful marketer in the saturated market.

Defining the Industry

The industry you choose to establish yourself and position your business in is where you should create a conducive home for marketing and building your business as a brand. So, the different sections of the industry must be at your fingertips through the knowledge and information that makes up that industry. That will enable you as a marketer, solopreneur, freelancer, or corporate business owner to get into the industry with the right footing that will inspire and empower you to play your positioning and brand-building well without missing any strategic step in the industry. It will make you well-versed and familiar with the common problems and pain points and what niche areas have gaps you can serve and be of service.

Fortunately, these days with e-learning courses overtaking the traditional education system, diving into any industry is no longer an unattainable or far-fetched dream for anyone who dares dream and wants to turn it into a practical reality through personal branding and expand it into a business dream. It all starts with the information about the industry you are interested in to soak yourself in with passion and drive. That way, becoming the master of your destiny in that industry.

Defining the Niche

Once you have soaked yourself in the industry and are familiar with all segments, you will be ready to niche down your choices and choose which area makes you excited to deliver like yourself and feel that you are bringing value to the industry and the niche. Like in Marketing, with so many digitized channels now. Especially with the advent of Digital Marketing, which has various areas. Digital Marketing is forever evolving with new areas as technology advances with new apps and programs created and flooding the market for attention and adoption. I don’t have time and space to go deeper into all Digital Marketing niches, for that is not the purpose of this post. The point here is to clarify how best you should know any product or service in your industry so that you zero in on your choice for solid brand building.

 Niching down to the heart of what you are interested in and knowing you can speak its language and benefits will solidify your brand building. If you are a big company, your marketers must master the language of the product and service they are marketing. Speak and write the language of your niche and industry. No appropriate language for your products or services means no marketing and zero sales leads. If your marketer or yourself speaks and writes jargon in your marketing messages, people won’t get a sense of your brand and the value and benefits of what you are offering.

Define Your Target Market

Knowing and understanding your products or services will help in who to address and approach. If you do not know who to approach and who not to approach, you will be like a desperate marketer wasting time addressing people who do not need your product and will never dream of using it in their lives. I did it the other time with a few of my fashion pieces. Desperate for a sale, caught up in the aftermaths of the pandemic, and trying my luck with a few pieces in an undefined market. I ended up marketing them in a bar and having my fashion pieces tried on by drunkards and drug users, male and female. They only did it for fun and to pass their time with funny and dirty jokes about my fashion items.

It was an experience that taught me that as a marketer, especially as a freelancer, or solopreneur, never undermine the value of your brand product or service by marketing it even in bars and brothels. You get mixed up and approach people who hardly understand your marketing language. Let alone the value of your products or services. So, grind it and define your target market. In the above incident, I should have approached only stylish young ladies with a good fashion sense of appreciating cool cotton wide pants and cropped tops. I got confused and lost in the market as a marketer. Never get lost in the market, be clear with your target market.

Define the Benefits

Forget about the features, and focus on defining the benefits. Being clear about the benefits of your product or service empowers you to introduce and position it on the market with confidence without fear of competition in the market. Highlighting these benefits of a product or service makes it easier for your target market to receive, embrace and adopt it as valuable and worthy in their lives or their businesses.

Understanding how your product or service improves your client’s life will make it a brand that brings value to your buyers. You won’t find yourself playing hide and seek game with your target audience, but being there and present with their pain points, knowing that you have the remedy and they are going to be okay, home and dry after they have used your product or services. And their life and business will never be the same again through your brand product and service. That is how it should happen in marketing.

Define the Value of the Products & Services

When you understand the value of your product or service, you will never find yourself underselling yourself in the market. You will never operate with a scarcity mindset of desperation to get a sale. You will sit back and relax, knowing that people shopping around for value will interact with your brand and decide to become loyal customers. Competition would not scare you because you know you are the competition as a professional brand, not a hustle that leaves your clients in a dilemma of how best they should use it to their advantage. You will know your products or services exude quality and professionalism in the market.

The value of your product or service is equivalent to its monetary value in the market. And its relevance as a solution to the buyer. Be clear about whether its value correlates with its benefit to the buyer and how effectively it adds value and a quality lifestyle to their life and business. Nothing can help you build a solid brand more than knowing that the product or service you are marketing is a valuable solution to their problems and adding value to their businesses and lives. 

However, you can only be clear about all the above strategies and principles to your clients and prospects on an active website with an up-to-date blog. That will boost your brand building through blogging, now popularly known as blog marketing. If willing to do likewise, don’t hesitate to get in touch and be part of this marketing strategy that will make your brand stand the test of time in the market.


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