Is Your Marketing Strategy a Mayhem?

In the last blog post, I explored what to invest in your brand building. Along the way in the conversation, we realized one of the investments you need is a website with constantly updated content. And the best way or tool to do that is a blog for blog marketing and solid brand building. Let’s dive deep into this content marketing strategy.

Blog Marketing brings back order in any chaotic digital marketing situation. Marketing has come to mean so many things in the creative digital economy. Especially on platforms like Tik Tok, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and many more out there continuously rolled out to compete for your attention as an entrepreneur, solopreneur, freelancer, startup, small- medium, and large-sized business owner. If you are not careful, you drown in all of them, and your brand marketing will sink in with you in the chaos.

Scarcity Mindset Approach in Marketing

The scarcity mindset approach does not work in the present-day marketing industry. Here is my story. I tried it also. Fortunately, mine was not wave-dancing on Tik Tok. It was the traditional cold calling. That makes you appear so desperate that you might find yourself approaching people who can hardly read you and understand what you are saying to them. I was in a desperate situation of wanting to see my product in anyone’s hands. I was cold calling to sell, should I say marketing my book? “The Art of Simple Living” With no car in dusty canvas shoes, they took me to be crazy and felt pity for me. That way compromised the whole purpose and value of the book I was marketing and selling, which is inspirational. And I, as the writer, was supposed to be inspiring as the brand creator.

So, how do you swim through as a shark and capture the attention of your target audience in a professional way that does not make your target audience see you dancing half-naked on social media platforms in the name of brand building and marketing? Or throwing yourself in bars searching for unfounded prospects who hardly understand your brand language and its value in their life or business.

Here is the thing, never put yourself into a desperate situation of just marketing from a scarcity mindset of introducing what you are selling. By the end of the day, you feel it does not work that way because it is a zero-marketing strategy. People will run away from you each time they see you coming. And they won’t even have time and motivation to listen to you, especially if you are not driving a Tesla-like model car but just a nameless car to take you from point A to B with zero inspirational lifestyles. Anyway, that made me realize that the best strategy in marketing that maintains your dignity and integrity as a marketer is blog marketing. So, let’s dig in and have the feel of blog marketing.

What is Blog Marketing?

Blog Marketing is a content marketing strategy based on content creation for blogging based on the purpose and value of your business for on-brand marketing and brand building. Blog Marketing is a content marketing strategy based on content creation for blogging based on the purpose and value of your business for on-brand marketing and brand building. It is blog writing for publishing content articles and elaborated infographics to answer, educate, inform and inspire customers and prospects in their brand industry and niche.  Blog marketing is a new content marketing strategy fast overtaking any content marketing strategies in the digital marketing industry. It is a long-form content marketing strategy that involves on-brand content creation, writing, and publishing based on the purpose and value of your business niche and industry.

It is fast proving to be the only content marketing tool and strategy that enables collaboration with other digital marketing tools and handles in one space. That is on a blog, which is not different from a website and can be incorporated on a website commonly on website building platforms like WordPress or Wix. So, best of all, a blog can be started and managed in-house on your business website as an extension of everything you do in all your brand marketing efforts. Like your social media handles and link them seamlessly without any complications. Let’s dig deeper into what it involves.

What does it involve? 

It involves starting a blog that is relevant to your niche and industry by coming out with an idea of what you are interested in your industry. Say maybe you feel that area has seriously overlooked problems. Something you are passionate about, a problem you always complain about, and other people in your industry. As you might see that in Real Estate, clients’ issues are not well attended to, worse if they are renting properties. Then your blog idea could be something like; Estate Rental Solutions. Then you can start writing your blog posts along those lines with a brand voice that can easily make inroads into that industry. However, easier said than done.

The secret of it all is to bring value to your target audience. Unlike the blogging style when people were then writing for the algorithm, the best way to go is writing what you know is of value in the industry, not for crawlers on search engines. So, the deep secret of it all is to put yourself in the shoes of your target audience and what pain points and problems they encounter and present those problems in blog posts with some techniques and tools for solutions. Whether it is theoretical or practical through online programs and applications, as long as it adds value to your brand building in your niche and industry. There we go; let’s dig deep into blogging as a marketing technique;

What is Blogging in Marketing?

 Blogging in Marketing is a specialized kind of text blogging that focuses on-brand niche content creation and long-form writing for brand marketing and building based on the purpose and value of the business in the market. The commercial intention of niche blogging is to educate, inspire, and empower clients and prospects in your industry and niche for building long-term business relations that can easily convert into loyalty and dedication in support of your brand. 

It is a long-form writing for positioning and building your brand for presence and authority in your industry and brand longevity in the market. So, it is a content marketing tool and strategy that involves writing a series of interrelated blog posts on a specified niche title in your industry of operation. In the Digital Marketing industry or the Hardware industry. Where you can think of writing a blog post about ‘’How to Shop Around for Lighting Globes”. I know choosing globes for lighting can be a nightmare, for there are so many brands s of different shades and colors, with watts and that kind of jargon.  

What is a Blog in Marketing

A blog is a website that publishes articles on specific niche categories of information and knowledge in your industry and niche. Blogs enable brand building through on-brand content creation without missing its commercial intention on the global market. It ensures that you create content aligned with your brand, for your brand is not just the logo or the visual aesthetics on your business website. But the niche ideas and concepts that embody your industry and niche in the real world of marketing and brand building. A blog is the only suitable platform and strategy that allows that kind of communicative space to air any sentiments and provide solutions in a comprehensive way your target clients can read and savor.

The information and knowledge blogs you publish on your business blog are niche-focused and industry solution related. So, clearly, I can say it is a source and a resource for your clients or prospects to connect with your products, services, and solutions without getting lost and losing touch with your brand. Your blog must make your clients and prospects feel at home and dry with what you offer. On a well-developed and organized blog, your clients and prospects never feel lost in being part of what you are doing in business. Like here, tell me in the comments section below where you feel lost with what I am providing in the market.

What is a Blog post in Marketing

A blog post is a piece of writing or article relevant to any category of your blog that might be relevantly written and published frequently to answer a client or customer’s question or problem in your niche and industry. You write the blog posts in long-form and freestyle, but with a professional voice to bring out its marketing and brand-building commercial intention and objectives. Remember, business writing should always be professional and formal for reputation and credibility in the market. Though some bloggers believe in a relaxed and carefree style, blog posts for commercial intentions should always maintain that professional stance to uphold a reputable position in the marketing industry.

No business would love to see their banner ads dancing on a shabby blog post with a gothic writing style that shouts nothing but sleazy slang and profane language. Business presentations should be business oriented, in style and formatting, with zero grammar errors and zero wild language that does not shout a brand of high value on the digital market. A blog post can be infographics or text. It can also be a mixture of these two. However, the most common style and format is text with relevant images like this blog. That way, you can never go wrong in providing value to your clients and prospects in your brand-building efforts in the market.

Are you interested in being part of this exciting brand marketing technique? Get in touch here without hesitation. You will be in professional hands to establish your business as a brand of recognition in the market. Thanks for reading this end. I know with this blog; you can never be the same entrepreneur before reading all our blog posts.


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