How To Capture Consumer Attention for Solid Brand Building in a Saturated Market

The market is saturated. And every brand vies to rule and be seen, heard, reached out to, and used by its target audience. Prospects are always looking for green flags that signify connectivity with your brand. That will set your brand in motion in the saturated global market. Remember, your brand is what people see, read on your business blog, feel, reach out for, and decide to stay connected with your offers, whether in a product-based or service-based business.

It needs to have those powerful elements that fulfill the above emotional aspects of what consumers are looking for in a brand before they convert to follow and buy from you or remain as loyalties and cheerleaders of your brand. So, how best can you strategize these emotional aspects in your brand-building process and journey? Here are the five strategic elements to explore, bring into your branding efforts, and exploit to the best of your creative and innovative branding power.

Visual Elements


These are tangible elements that express your branding strategy. That you intentionally design for brand building and positioning in the market since people have become visual creatures. I remember reading this other article and felt something was amiss. There were no images to enhance the message and context of their content. Your visual elements from the logo, fonts, color, and templates must be simple and on brand. They should reflect and express the purpose and value of your business venture without you saying anything in the minds of your target audience. Since branding is a holistic process of presenting your business to the world, your visual identity on the market is the first point of attraction and connection your target market will have with your brand. And experience its feel and appeal in the five human senses and arouse their desire to be part of what you are doing.

Your visual elements are like the fashion pieces that make you feel like yourself and a brand of your fashion style and feel okay with the whole world no matter how much attention they throw at you and receive anywhere in the world. That is how consumers should witness your brand. Have you ever tried to reflect on why brands waste millions of dollars on their brand ambassador or influencer? They would have failed to use other more creative branding visual elements to attract consumers' attention. So, they think the superficial brief visual appeal of the beauty, hunkiness, and fashion style would help capture the attention of their target audience. The challenge is, will it?

If it does, is it a long-term strategy, especially in the creative economy and volatile marketing strategies where consumers have become sensitive in expecting contextual value and substance from anything marketed and advertised online? Gone are the days when automobile brands like Tesla sold cars using beautiful girls with long shapely legs for solely visual appeal and attraction with zero contextual value and relevance to the brand behind the scenes of the advert. So, your visual elements must always enhance the context of your brand purpose and value. That holds a lot of unquestionable relevance and substance to your brand-building strategies. 

Brand Messaging

Brand messaging is the words and phrases that express the language of your brand and how your brand speaks to its audience. It is how your brand communicates and expresses its unique value proposition. That can be verbal or non-verbally. It is the emotional expression of your brand that captures their attention at a glance and the essence of your brand. 

The first touchpoints of contact your prospects have with your brand messaging are the business name, the domain name, and the value proposition statement wrapped in an enticing tagline that briefly tells who you are and what you stand for. And these are the most central and contextually pregnant messages of your brand that most people first see and easily associate with your business. So, your business name, domain name, and value promise must be wrapped in all your brand messaging and contextually expand on that to reflect the values, tone, mood, and attitude you want your brand to exude in your brand-building strategies. 

That means expressing what you offer and how you do it. In our case, professionalism and our joy in representing the marketing industry through blog marketing make this blog uphold the concept of intentional of joyfully copywriting by making every blog post exude that feeling and mood. We always keep our messaging and copies on the brand by focusing on the contextual purpose and value of our brand and those of our clients who have the same understanding of the value of blog marketing for solid brand building. So, every word written must carry the contextual meaning of your brand purpose and value without mixing and mincing between the lines.

Consumer Centric

When your brand is customer-centric, it means focusing every aspect of your brand-building efforts on customer needs, pain points, and preferences. That means you put the customer at the core of your business operations and procedures, from product development, packaging, marketing, and dispatching into the market for sales. Your brand should be a smooth operator in satisfying the purchasing journey and experience of the consumers. It is about truly understanding the consumers since they have become sophisticated and tech well-informed.

So, as a brand, never use your consumers as guinea pigs for your products and traumatize them for monetization. That is unethical and inhuman, especially in the present-day economy, where brands are encouraged to be human-centric and promote more human marketing strategies with zero traumatization, even for creatures like rats and mice. Therefore, your brand-building process should always consider being human before sales and profits. They have also come to believe in communities engaging with each other. That way, sharing information about brand reputation and becoming more learned and informed. For them, surviving in a tech-based economy that has to rely on algorithms has become a game where they have to master the rules of survival.

That makes purchasing products and services a long journey of experience to feel connected to the brand in making choices of their everyday needs and what brands to trust and support in the market. So, your brand should strive to identify with the audience it serves. That is about how you can help your target market, not what you can help them with. It is about building relationships and solving problems through user-friendly tech tools, software products, and programs that assist, not booting the human presence and the human touch of the brand.

Global sense

Branding your business venture with a global mindset means you are thinking big and different, like most successful tech entrepreneurs who managed to turn their business ideas into globally recognized brands with a massive impact that they never dreamt possible. Imagine if the internet creators had only designed and created it to serve a few nations. You were never going to enjoy the possibilities that come with being connected. God, the great creator, created the world to be one in a human-centric way. For you and me. Sorry if you don’t believe in God’s creation.

 God was the first creator of the whole universe. Likewise, his son Jesus Christ also created and built his Christian brand. He is globally recognized and has never stopped to fulfill its purpose and value of bringing peace, hope, and joy to its target audience who believe in him and follow him and his brand. I salute the internet creators and other creative initiators like the Google founders, Microsoft, Apple, Alibaba, and the latest Uber, Airbnb and many others who never created for blasting the status quo. But for innovation with a collaborative spirit of building the economy, not disrupting the economic activities it is supposed to serve and improve in life and business.

So, branding for global attention is not a new thing. Neither is it an impossible task for anyone who can offer value to fulfill the human-centric purpose of creating a better world to live, learn, work, and do business. Unless you are the kind of creator; who believes your nation is the only blessed nation that can offer value in the world. If you still think that way, then you are limiting yourself in building a solid brand that is more fulfilling and satisfying. So, cultivate some global sense, and make your brand building massive in its product and service providers in the market.

Long term strategized


If you want to make your business a global brand, nose-diving with short-term branding strategies in brand building will not take you far, for short-term can be expensive and stressful. The more organic-inclined long-term they are, the better for robust and sustainable solid brand building and growth. A strong global brand should be long-term strategized for growth, development, and sustainability in the market. A long-term strategy is a valuable tool for implementing tasks and programs that need long-term reviewing for effectiveness in achieving business goals, like reviewing new tech apps in your brand marketing efforts. Remember, your brand should embrace changes for evolvement, especially in the digital economy, with the AI tech chatbots taking the whole digital marketing industry by storm.

 However, you must be selective, but your brand should be accommodative of any practical tech solutions to keep it growing and making room for expanding and adding value in the market. So, that is why a long-term approach to brand building can help reduce rush choices in tech applications and programs that can be risky and compromise the achievement of business goals, growth, and credibility of your brand when the chosen tech apps or programs fail to deliver and fulfill your value promise. That sends me back to reflect on the scramble in the Chatbots' gold rush that has left tech app developers, venture capitalists, tech app enthusiasts, and many large corporations scrambling to make sense of this sensational and groundbreaking text-generating AI chatbot.

That is a typical example of an app that needs a long-term approach in implementation since it is still in its developmental stages in making it work and seeing whether it satisfies its purpose and value in the market without disruptions that might compromise your brand reputation and credibility in the market. If you use it for content creation in your business, is it creative enough to spell your brand purpose and value in the market? Can the content be created by Chat GPT bot capable of capturing the emotions of your brand, like yourself as the creator of your brand and those beings you are working with?

All this needs a long-term business approach and assessments for evaluation to see whether the app brings results to the boardroom table. Long-term goals have proved to be more visionary and asset creation based than short-term instant gratification centered. That promotes greed and selfish attention in the economy. Building the economy is a long-term priority goal that any brand should seriously consider for nurturing a healthy economic sphere for sustainable brand building that can serve consumers without setbacks like recessions and crises.


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