Stop Messing Up Digital Marketing with a Scarcity Mindset

Are you yearning for unbiased brand identity, presence, positioning, influence, and impact online? Stop the scarcity mindset of selling to friends, neighbors, groups, and tribes in your brand-building process and journey. The internet is a marketing hub for global reach without creating boundaries for your brand. 

Digital marketing is not selective. And algorithms know no color or creed. The traditional and cultic approach to marketing in the business landscape is toxic and limits solid brand building in the global digital economy.

 Scarcity Mindset Compromises Brand Building

Starting a business with a limiting scarcity mindset of only wanting to get connected to those people you think have money to sustain your brand at nose reach level is not an authentic and professional approach to marketing and sales in the business world especially in the present digital economy. It is selfish and ego-centered and lacks the human approach that promotes holistic and inclusive provision of value to benefit anyone who sees it as a good fit in their life and entrepreneurial pursuits. 

It contradicts the whole sense of personal and business branding. Branding is not limited to people you know; you have to crack it up and see how your brand can come to be known by providing value and building its identity and image in the market.

So, do not mutilate your brand identity and image with a cultic mindset of amassing the support and following of only those whom you have tagged and put on the leash of your marketing campaigns and your extravagant lifestyle posts, especially on social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn. Digital marketing is not quite like what people have come to believe. 

It is not selling with a scarcity mindset of direct selling to just a few people you know through groups and tribes created on social media platforms. That has seen many people burning out with daily posts to please the segregated few who end up getting fed up and bored by your daily random posts they hardly read to find anything of value.

Most of the time, these only entice them to look through your latest items on product and service listings. Digital marketing is deeper than tags and direct messages. It is crafting more purpose and value-centered brand-building content that benefits everyone concerned. That is why Content Marketing is the hallmark of digital marketing.

Cultivate a Global Mindset for Solid Brand Building

Cultic groups and tribes do not build global brands. They compromise professionalism and integrity in the marketing industry and business landscape. You can't start any business to target only family circles, friends, groups, or tribes. Any business venture created to be a problem solver and solution provider must be inclusive and diversity principled to contribute to making the world a better place for everyone.

That is why pioneer merchants started wild voyages across oceans to explore trading opportunities. Entrepreneurship is an adventure to explore and fulfill yourself as an entrepreneur. The deeper you dive into the unknown oceans of strangers, the more exciting your venture becomes. 

Focusing only on those people you know is like negating the whole purpose of the Internet global business landscape and can be toxic even to those few clients you might have captured as your goldmines. What if their pockets and need for your product or service evolve, and their pockets get shallow, empty and dry up? Won't that kill and reduce your brand to zero in market value?

So, stop turning the business landscape into limiting boundaries of family circles, groups, tribes, and cults that lack the holistic and humane approach to business in the entrepreneurial world. If it is for easy lead generation, you can't capture lead generation from family circles, friends, groups, tribes, or cults. That is compromising your brand reach and influence. Here is the smart way to brand building without tagging and leashing anyone on social media platforms.


Brand is not a fancy concept, as most people seem to understand it from the traditional mindset of believing that only big companies are brands, not small business enterprises. Neither does it mean small businesses should solely rely on family circles, friends, groups, and tribes. Nope. 

It means don’t hustle and stop the scarcity mindset of selling to only people you know. Dive deeper into the turbulent oceans for fishing through professional digital marketing strategies with no burnout but the inspiring and motivating adventure of the global digital economy. Defend your brand purpose and value through branding and digital marketing.

Specialize and build something massive based on the purpose and value of your business concept in the market. Not something that relies much on negotiations with family circles, friends, groups, and tribes. It must appeal to anyone with the money to spend on it and anyone who sees its value and benefit in the market. The hustle culture and social media marketing have indoctrinated most small businesses, freelancers, solopreneurs, and creators to believe in making close connections.

 Whether the connections are of quality and value to your brand-building efforts, no one seems to have the formula. In that catchphrase of getting socially connected, most creative entrepreneurs hardly think of professionally branding their projects and efforts in a manner that makes it more brandable and easy to put it out there in the market without begging friends and neighbors to hear you out for sales and closing agreements.

I once tried it and did it when I was selling my Fuss Free fashion pieces around friends and neighbors. I had charged the amount I knew was the value of my fashion pieces, only later hearing through the vineyard that one neighbor was discouraging other prospects from buying from me since there was a shop in town where they could buy the same outfits at a lower price. That whole story ruined my brand-building confidence and efforts in that project line.

The only thing that neighborhood customers never realized was that my fashion items were homemade and far much better quality than the mass-produced ones. And comforting enough to my bruised and mortified entrepreneurial spirit was the daughter to that condescending neighborhood client who liked the outfit so much and appreciated the value as a specially designed individual outfit. 

Anyway, that is what happens when you rely on building your brand within family circles, friends, groups, tribes, and close connections. Your brand will lose value with those who know you and around you.


Marketing in the bush and uncharted territories is an exciting venture. Imagine cracking into the mind of an audience who do not even know you exist, but being able to make them realize how they desperately need your brand products and services and how it can help them to realize where they were going wrong in their life or business. 

Marketing is not direct selling to a few people you know from your group, tribe, and friends. It is a service and an opportunity for your target audience to transform their lives through the value and benefit of your brand products and services in the market. That is why you should embrace and explore all the possibilities digital marketing affords you for brand-building in an oversaturated market.

Remember how most people have come to believe in digital marketing as the only way to survive in the forever-evolving digital economy. That is why most brands that have fully embraced digital marketing are thriving in the global economy, where the sky is the limit in making your brand known to strangers who can receive and accept your brand products and services without the bias of wanting to please or pity you. 

So, don't compromise all the fundamentals of digital marketing strategies like social media, blog marketing, influencer marketing, email marketing, and search engine marketing. These fundamental digital marketing strategies are not limited to reaching people you know but to digital outreach for boosting your brand identity, presence, and positioning on digital marketing spaces for solid brand building with no geographic limitations and regionalism biases for your products and services. 

So, do not compromise your digital marketing efforts by confining your outreach within family circles, friends, groups, or tribes. There are people you have never met who could be more supportive of your brand growth and success with no biases or second-guessing but credibility and trust in its value and benefit in their lives and entrepreneurial pursuits.


When you market and sell within family circles, groups, tribes, and friends, they get easily fed up with your stuff. You also feel that distant fear of intrusion into their privacy with your brand, products, and services and becoming too familiar with them as you know them closely and meet them every day or every week. You are bound to feel like changing now and again from one brand product to another for fear of becoming annoying and boring around. 

That will make you lose focus on building a long-term brand that is hardly familiar to someone you know, except a few who happen to have bought it for its value and benefit, not out of feeling pity for all the effort you are putting out in the neighborhood.

 Once you have mastered the fundamentals of digital marketing, you won’t find yourself opting for other fishy strategies like relying too much on family circles, friends, groups, and tribes to level up your brand-building efforts online. Digital marketing allows diversifying your marketing efforts and making them more professional by choosing only the channels that enhance your brand identity, reputation, and integrity guided by your unbiased values in the market. 

Focusing on a few channels and strategies that are a good fit for your brand will ensure the stability and sustainability of your brand-building efforts with no fear of disruptions and distractions that come with new emerging technologies. 

It will enable the creative power of not begging your brand to be heard and seen by only family circles, friends, groups, or tribes but establishing some unshakeable influence through quality and value provision based on your brand values and principles that promote its purpose and value in the digital global market. 


Just as good as throwing yourself into the unknown, exploring nonexistent markets for your brand is inspiring and empowering. It makes you more confident and self-driven in putting yourself out there in uncharted territories for digging deeper into new markets where the gold and diamonds lie for your brand to influence and impact their lives and business pursuits.

Here is the thing. The scarcity mindset of selling stuff in familiar circles is not sustainable. It is more like begging for people to feel pity for you. And that is stressful and short-lived. In digital marketing, you are most likely to find more innovative ways of making your brand, products, or services more appealing and profitable rather than selling them directly to your friends through negotiating and begging them to buy.

 A brand-building mindset believes in value creation and delivery with limited negotiations and compromises on both parties. The guiding principle, based on quality and value, should be ‘take it or leave it.’ And in your heart, as a creative entrepreneur, you know what your target audience loses if they do not choose your brand product or service. Marketing with a brand-building mindset is powerful, especially with strangers from unchartered territories for deep fishing and catching unanimous clients.

Exploring possibilities in uncharted territories is the name of the game in the digital economy, where technology has reduced physical boundaries to digital marketing channels that any business that wants to survive and thrive in the present-day economy should learn to appreciate and exploit. 

In today’s digitally driven world, digital marketing has become essential for brand marketing that boosts brand building through sustainable marketing strategies that deepen and widen brand reach for influence and impact.

So, rather than limiting your brand reach in the confinements and limiting views of your friends, group members, and tribe, it is more inspiring and motivating to reach out to different cultural backgrounds for genuine connections that are clean of any biases that come with close connections in business and work environment. Digital marketing allows you to do that through digital marketing tools, platforms, channels, and strategies for solid brand building.

Think Long Term

Approaching your brand-building strategy with a scarcity mindset of direct selling to familiar circles with a microscopic outlook on brand building will limit all your brand marketing efforts to the short term. That compromises all the effort you should put into establishing your online presence for your business venture to find its own digital space through a website, social media, and advertising and marketing platforms like Google and Amazon. 

And these strategies are not an overnight sensational success story. They call for a well-planned marketing strategy and dedication to make it a cohesive effort before getting into the routine of efficient execution. That calls for all the aspects we have explored, like brand, market, focus, and exploring new markets through digital marketing for long-term results and sustainability of your brand in the market.

So, thinking long-term will help ensure having a solid online presence that is a non-negotiable starting point for effective digital marketing that promotes global reach to amplify brand identity, presence, positioning, influence, and impact for loyalty and long-term business relationship with just brand advocates and supporters you hardly know but who only know you through your brand identity, presence and positioning online. 

Digital marketing fundamentals ensure all that happens through your website, social media platforms, and digital advertising channels for inspiring and motivating your target audience through high-quality content that highlights the purpose and value of your brand.

 Unlike talking directly to your friends and neighbors for immediate and short-term purchasing decisions, digital marketing through content marketing is long-term and nurtures your target audience to make more informed decisions to stay with your brand based on that value and benefit, as clarified in your content marketing strategy, especially blog marketing, which is long-term for sustainability and stability in your brand-building process and journey. 

The bottom line is learning to strategically use the most appropriate digital marketing tools, platforms, and channels cohesively and seamlessly for your brand-building efforts for sustainability and stability in the ever-changing business landscape.

So, do not solely rely on your family circles, friends, neighbors, groups, and tribe for brand building. Use relevant and professional digital marketing strategies, platforms, tools, and channels for solid brand building in the digital global market. 

If you feel intimidated to put yourself online, you can work with us by accessing our data-collecting tool for our web content creation services as joyful copywriters. Check here for purchase and download it for your use or to work with us in establishing your unbiased presence online.


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