How To Be Intentional on Social Media for Solid Brand Building:

Social media has always been for social interaction but has since evolved into a digital marketing tool. So, it's time to be as intentional as possible to up your game in harnessing social media and its full potential as a digital marketing channel for solid brand building. It requires a purpose and value approach to make it more meaningful and beneficial to your target audience.

Why We Care


As an entrepreneur and marketer, knowing how to infuse and integrate social media marketing into your digital marketing strategy for brand building is essential and imperative. The best strategy for the holistic approach in harnessing its full potential in brand building is to align it with the purpose and value of your business venture. 

Remember, branding and marketing should never happen out of the context of your business venture. So, it will make your social media marketing relevant, holistic, and innovative in digital marketing for solid brand building.

Social media marketing can be haphazard if it is not well-planned and streamlined with a brand-building mindset. However, being intentional and seeing it as a process will help manage it efficiently for solid brand building. That means you need a well-integrated processing system for efficiency and consistency in your brand-building process and journey.

Social Media Strategy


Last week, we explored social media strategy and the digital marketing elements that can guide you in brand building. Remember, digital marketing is all about developing and setting up branding and marketing systems and processes that promote digital transformation in the marketing industry. So, how best can you make those elements seamless for an intentional and streamlined social media strategy? That is what we will explore in this blog post.

In the present tech-dominated business landscape, a process approach to anything you do for branding and marketing is the key to developing a system that is easy to manage and maintain with no hiccups that people always experience in the noisy and oversaturated marketplace. Let’s dig in and explore the following steps to make your social media an intentional process for a seamless and streamlined workflow that is easy to manage and scale your business.



Attracting customers is one of the main goals of any business. Marketing targets prospects and customers, and sales happen from their interaction with your brand on social media and your website or storefront. Social media marketing is the key to reaching and attracting them to your business. Most entrepreneurs and marketers always get mixed up with branding and marketing. The mixing up comes with social media management and what you should do as a social media manager of your venture or your client’s.

 Where should you start attracting potential customers and users to make your business venture a success story? Any social media content and messaging should align with the purpose and value of your business venture, directed by your business goals as designed in your brand-building strategy. It is clear then that social media marketing happens after branding for brand image and identity.

So, social media marketing should enhance and consolidate that brand image and identity through relevant content and messaging that evokes positive feelings and perception of the brand as a valuable place and entity connected to their benefit in life and business and worthy enough to capture attention and entice the desire to want to know more about your brand. So, their attraction to your brand should make them feel like going deeper with it through this next step of nurturing.



After capturing attention, your social media content and messaging should seek to do nothing but nurture your persona and avatar to realize the missing piece that your brand is promising in your unique value proposition, brand promise, and unique selling proposition. That will give them good homework to digest and see the value and benefit of staying with your brand for digging deeper into your offers.

The creative power of nurturing will come from not losing focus on the purpose and value of your business venture, as clarified in your unique value proposition and brand promise. It is like luring and wooing your prospects to have faith in your brand and cultivate the spirit of allegiance and loyalty to your vision and mission. And that does not happen with empty promises as some brands do. But from a valid purpose and value aligned with your vision and mission.

However, having every move based on the purpose and value of your business venture will promote an integrated and seamless nurturing process that won’t miss what your brand stands for in the market. That helps your target audience to make informed decisions about your brand without getting mixed up with its perception and their decision to be part of its vision and mission. From appreciating your vision and mission, as highlighted in the purpose and value, they will be ready for the next step of a deep desire for connection.



Your social media content and messaging should be creative and holistic enough to attract and nurture your prospects for brand identity, perception, and awareness. And people are bound to feel connected and ready to build a relationship with your brand. That is where your social media strategy should direct your prospects or audience to long-form content like blogs, videos, podcasts, or webinars.

That is where you can make them feel further nurtured into problem-solving and what tools, strategies, ideas, concepts, and values they can explore and uphold for their benefit in life and business. Remember, brands are not just for making money but solution providers for the benefit of their customers and users. It is about going deeper into your social media marketing and providing more substance to your brand. That will strengthen relationships and promote a deeper connection with what you offer and what you provide for their benefit through your products or services.

That is where the purpose and value of your brand should be well pronounced and annunciated for a deep connection with your vision and mission. That is why your business website content should always revolve around that with clarity from the brand promise or the unique value proposition and brand promise. These statements must always seek to evoke that deep connection with your customers and users for connectivity with your brand that will lead to loyalty and conversions.



With attraction comes attachment to nurture your prospects for connection and following what you do. People take time to come to final decisions about taking any expected action. That is why entrepreneurs and marketers should stop approaching social media marketing as a short-term strategy for immediate action and overnight sensational achievement.

That expectation and mindset on social media platforms have left most creative entrepreneurs suffering burnout and anxiety by chasing unfounded sales from virality expectations.  Just be intentional and focus on the long term for solid brand building.  Most social media marketers measure conversions from metrics like likes, comments, followers, and subscribers.

The bottom line is quality conversion should be the new game and goal on any social media platform. That is why the starting point of attraction, nurturing, connection, and conversion should be intentionally purpose and value-centered for business branding and marketing that promotes solid brand building and differentiation in the market. 



Attracting and nurturing your audience for connection and conversion means you won’t want to lose any of them along the way. The best way to ensure long-term support and repeat purchases or consultancy bookings is to keep your customers lulled through gift shopping, discounts, and special recognition of loyal customers. That is where your social media strategy should strive to make your clients establish a strong relationship with your offers. Be intentional to keep your audience excited.

You can do that by always making them aware of your latest developments and milestones that will strengthen loyalty and advocacy in the market. In today’s digital world, gaining attention from your clients and converting them to take action is a challenge. That is why you must focus on value delivery for long-term business relationships towards sustainability in brand building.

Once your clients believe in your business as a brand that offers quality, customer retention becomes like a walkthrough exercise in the market. They say in marketing, it is more economical to retain old customers than to find new ones. So, be intentional in keeping them aboard by constantly steering your social media strategy in the right direction of your brand-building efforts. That concept of brand building based on the purpose and value of your business should be the marketing strategy for success, sustainability, and longevity in the market.


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